Ypsilon as Payment Service Connector
Ypsilon is not only PCI DSS level 1 certified company and fully PSD2 / SCA compliant but also registered with VISA
Europe as Merchant agent. (see https://www.visa.com/splisting/searchGrsp.do)
Ypsilon.net connects directly to several major acquirers and other alternative forms of payment including several
virtual credit card suppliers. (Amadeus, American express, Airplus, Wex, Enett). Ypsilon.net provides the technical
infrastructure for a fully integrated booking and payment flow including fraud prevention to save customers
transaction costs.
Ypsilon.net has the main advantage that it can coordinate and analyse data streams before they were forwarded (e.g.
to a bank) and thereby act in terms of bookings based on the data of previous payment results. (Analysing the
payment status –OK/NOK or pending, bookings can be queued individually or cancelled. Remarks/OSI can be added
through any reservation system that Ypsilon.net connects to).
Ypsilon.net offers the complete flow from Booking/Fraud check/Reconciliation to payment and post booking interaction
within the GDS or CRS. The services are also available through an XML API and a „white page“ that can be embedded
into any OBE payment stage.
Services and APIs
Connected acquiring banks
Connected PSP & payment methods
Ypsilon also faciliates payment with virtual credit cards via the following providers
Advantages of using VCCs
Download the product datasheet as PDF
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