Cache Data




The demand for “Air big data ” has become extensive and maintaining cached fare information is now a strategical asset for travel companies.

Today the volume of data that can be stored and processed is enormous and requires adapted and powerful technology and infrastructure.
The “hunger ” for data in the travel industry is constantly growing.
Tour operators need to be able to package their offer with accurate prices almost a year in advance and request millions of fare data.
Metasearch need to cope with simultaneous fare inquiries without generating excessive traffic through GDS and CRS.
Consolidators, OTAs and agencies need to reduce the volume of live queries to the GDS and CRS and optimize their look to book ratio.

The term “Big Data” is does not simply mean amassing a lot of data beyond the capabilities of a typical database in terms of volume, it increases workload and costs and requires technologies to intelligently extract meaningful information from it.

“Air big Data” must meet 4 main criteria:

  • Volume
  • Variety
  • Velocity
  • Relevance
  • Frequency

In order to reduce the number of scans necessary on GDS’s as well as low cost carriers, maintains a massive amount of cache data. Our caching mechanism is vital for our customers in regard to their commercial relationship with the GDS and carriers who actively monitor scan to book ratios. achieves on average 60% cache hits and generates up to 50,000 inserts per second. Fare data can also be pre-fetched based on rules, airlines and markets, merged with the general cache and processed into any format needed such as CSV, EDF or OTDS. provides access to billions of cached fares ideal for dynamic packaging. The data can be delivered several times daily or accessed through different APIs. Via the available "flights" endpoint our customers have a real time, direct access to multi source (GDS, lowcost, charter) flight data in order to always guarantee the freshest possible information.
Our RIAK databases and professional infrastructure and processing power allow us to compress and deliver data at high velocity and frequency.

Benefits of “Air Big data”

  • Reduce scans on GDS/CRS
  • Improved look to book ratio
  • Reduce production costs
  • Increase response speed
  • Maximize revenue per booking
  • Increase productivity
  • Data variety
  • Ideal for data analytic
  • Fare accuracy
  • Pre-fetch routines available
  • Multiple formats: csv, edf, otds
  • Minimize hits on PSSs and reduce scan to book ratio costs
  • Optimize response times of packaging applications and booking engines
  • Improve the performance of your web sites
  • Incremental updates

Cache data can of course be booked through our XML API on the following systems:


  • Amadeus
  • Sabre
  • Travelport
  • Farelogix


  • Navitaire
  • Easyres
  • Mini rules
  • Avantik
  • Radixx
  • Opentravel
  • 4th Dimension
  • Airkiosk
  • Cosmoecho
  • Xreservation
  • Diverse proprietary systems such as U2, NG, LS, 9B, DJ


Download the product datasheet as PDF

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Ypsilon.Net AG
Vilbeler Landstr. 203
60388 Frankfurt/a.M.

Telefon: +49 6109 505 0
Fax: +49 6109 505 25

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